become a friend of

the ss space space

ss space space is an emerging initiative run by artists and funded by art-lovers. We are not only a bilingual online platform that integrates resources and information to facilitate in-depth debates on art, but also a place for the public itself to engage with art. In this vein, we are seeking to find funding to support the work of artists, critics, scholars and creatives through a programme of online talks, articles, workshops and events.

Your help will allow us to provide high quality, paid opportunities for emerging artists and help to make contemporary art available to everyone!

ss space space是一個由藝術家主導的實驗空間,我們致力於成立中英雙語的線上藝術平台,除了定期發佈藝文新知外,期待能透過各種形式的活動,讓不同專業背景的工作者共同交流、討論,期待日後能整合各界資源與想法,以開放、實驗的精神,推展藝術領域的可能。

ss space space將持續努力地邀請藝術家、藝評、學者和藝文工作者參與每期的線上企劃,並支付其合理薪資。目前我們將藉由線上媒體的形式舉行活動,試著以更自由的形式開啟藝術的對話空間;同時,我們也希望能在不久的將來能成立ss space space實體空間。



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ss space space


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space space

ss space space

Every friend of the ss space space helps us bring more art to more people. We sincerely appreciate all support, no matter how small. Your generosity will, among other things, support our online programme and help provide free resources for students and everyone.

We hope that ss space space will eventually have a physical place where we can invite creatives from diverse background to communicate, collaborate and experiment together. Become a friend of ss space space today to secure us for the future.

為了感謝您成為ss space space之友,現階段我們將會定期發送涵蓋國內外藝術要聞給您,並會在任何活動舉行前,發放專屬活動邀請函,讓您優先獲得線上活動消息;同時,我們每年將會寄出一份限量藝術家禮品給您;另外,若您願意的話,我們將會將您的名字置於網站與日後刊物的感謝名單中。

ss space space感謝您的支持!

  • regular e-newsletters with first access to online events and creative activities.

  • invitations to ss space space events

  • a free limited edition gift posted out to you every year

  • your name as a friend of the ss space space on our website and in our publications. (if desired)